Friday, November 27, 2015

Shot planning, day 2/studio

Shot planning
Afterschool, 3:30-5:30 pm
Day2/ Sequence 1:
1.      (Medium longshot) Extended choreographed dance sequence; both dancers in centre stage/ shot dancing.
2.      (Medium longshot) Secondary dance sequence
3.      (Medium longshot) Ending dance sequence

Sequence 2:
1.      (High angle, Medium longshot) Floor sequence
2.      (High angle, Medium longshot) Floor sequence secondary
3.      (High angle, medium longshot) Transitional sequence
4.      (Medium shot) Behind Tabby as she does a matrix style bend over

Sequence 3:
1.      (Close up) Crane shot of Tabby stood still
2.      (Medium to close up) focus in on tabby
3.      (Close up) Pan of Tabby looking at cam
4.      (Close up) pan of tabby hair flicking (backwards)
5.      (Close up) Pan of Tabby Hair flicking (Sideways)
6.      ( Longshot to close up) zoom into Tabby
7.      (Medium close up) tilt up on Lucy
8.      (Medium shot) Pan of Lucy against background
9.      (Medium Close up) profile of Lucy Doing a side ward head role
Sequence 4:
Colour scene blue
1.      (Medium longshot) A slow free hand pan focusing on the artist with a zoom at the end
2.      (Medium shot) a steady shot of the dancer moving within shot
3.      (Longshot) Longshot with slight zoom into dancer
4.      (Close up) close up of dancer from profile view as she dancers (head roll)

Sequence 5:
Colour sequence red
1.      (Medium shot) artist set off right performing
2.      (Medium close up) profile view of artist dancing slowly
3.      (Close up)
4.      (Medium shot)profile view of artist whilst she turns to camera
5.      (Medium close up) profile, view of artist as she hair flicks
6.      (Medium Longshot) artist performing interpretive dance (with delay in filming, to achieve ghosting effects later)

·        Camera (2x)
·        Tripod (2x)
·        Lighting system
·        Blue filter
·        Red filter

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