Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Target Audience Research

Within the industry it is always I good idea to find out what is already popular through both qualitative and quantitative data using surveys, questionnaires etc. because there is no point in doing something you know won’t work or refraining from doing something that is very popular. Although being original is still a necessity within the industry (and people often condemn videos and songs that are too similar) its also a good idea taking influences and inspiration from current ideas and coming up with a new and improved variation of already realised ideas. It is for this reason I am conducting a survey on what I can do in order to give the people what they want as well as being inspired to create my own ideas.

In addition to finding out what I want to make I need to find out who I am aiming for my audience to be; based on what I’m planning to do, the song, the type of video and the editorial effects of the video. To do this I am going to breakdown my ideal audience through this questionnaire and write it in a way that it’s easy for both you to see and for me to refer back to whenever I’m making my video to assure that appealing to my audience at all times.

This is an image of on of the printed off surveys and a set of example answers I have written. 

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