Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Target audience research results

After receiving back the completed questionnaires I compiled them into an easy to read document which allows me to easily look back and compare results for each answer.
Each candidate remained anonymous beyond their age and sex.
Target audience research answers:


1)      Age/ Gender:

Candidate 1: 18/ male

Candidate 2: 17/ Male

Candidate 3: 17/ Male

Candidate 4: 17/ Female

Candidate 5: 17/ Male

Candidate 6: 17/ Female

Candidate 7: 17/ Female

Candidate 8: 17/ Male

Candidate 9: 18/ Male

2)      Do you regularly watch music videos? (If so how often?)

Candidate 1:  Yes (Once a week)

Candidate 2: Yes (Once a day)

Candidate 3: Yes (Daily)

Candidate 4: Yes (Every other day)

Candidate 5: Yes (most days)

Candidate 6: Yes (Every other day)

Candidate 7: Yes (Everyday)

Candidate 8: No

Candidate 9: No

3)      Are you more likely to listen to music if it has a good music video?

Candidate 1: No, probably not

Candidate 2: Yes, of course as it is interesting

Candidate 3: Yes

Candidate 4: Yes

Candidate 5: Maybe

Candidate 6: Maybe, if someone has asked if I’ve seen a music video for a certain reason, then I will. Otherwise I minimise it on YouTube.

Candidate 7: Yes

Candidate 8: Probably

Candidate 9: Yes

4)      What do you look for when watching a music video?

Candidate 1: Good music, maybe a good storyline

Candidate 2: It depends on the music, for example if it’s high pace then it should be action but if it’s mellow I’d expect the video to match it

Candidate 3: Funny/ Story

Candidate 4: The artist and interesting visuals 

Candidate 5: VFX, edits, colourful settings and characters and a story

Candidate 6: A strong narrative that relates to the lyrics. I also like watching a character overcome something.

Candidate 7: The artist and excitement

Candidate 8: Storyline/ narrative

Candidate 9: No clue, entertainment

5)      What typical features do you expect/ like to see in an alternative music video?

Candidate 1: Mosh pits, the band playing their instruments

Candidate 2: I would like to see something relative to the music so maybe people getting excited by the music

Candidate 3: A story relating to lyrics

Candidate 4: Either main focus on band performance or strange concept

Candidate 5: Something you wouldn’t expect in a mainstream video, so no massive dance numbers etc.

Candidate 6: Tends to have a weird concept and have other characters in it.

Candidate 7: N/A

Candidate 8: A lot of action, has to be something to do with the lyrics

Candidate 9: I honestly couldn’t tell you

6)      Do you prefer watching videos with a concept, narrative or performance theme? (Explain what you find appealing about this type of music video)

Candidate 1: Concept (It’s just nice following a story, make the viewer interested)

Candidate 2: Performance (Its emotionally stimulating)

Candidate 3: Concept (The sexual appeal)

Candidate 4: Narrative (I like the connection of the lyrics and the story in a video)

Candidate 5: Performance (See how the person sees he world)

Candidate 6: Narrative (It relates to music video and an artist is less likely to be revealing.

Candidate 7: Narrative (often explains meaning behind song)

Candidate 8: Narrative (Correlates to the lyrics)

Candidate 9: Performance (Just do)

7)      What type of video do you feel best suits an alternative genre?

Candidate 1: Narrative

Candidate 2: A Mellow one which develops into something more upbeat.

Candidate 3: Sexual

Candidate 4:  Conceptual

Candidate 5: Performance

Candidate 6: Narrative

Candidate 7: Concept

Candidate 8: Narrative/ performance

Candidate 9: Performance

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